RCGP Bright Ideas, 'Pioneer' Award winners 2019
RCGP Cluster Innovation Award winners, South Powys Cluster 2019
Red Kite is a not for profit community interest company formed in 2015 to deliver health and wellbeing services to the people of South Powys and surrounding area.
Formed from a collaboration of the four practices in South Powys we provide cost effective, innovative health care solutions driven by outcomes that matter to our patients.
Why do we need Red Kite?
Primary care in Wales is facing unprecedented rising demand with limited resources. It is vitally important that we make every pound we spend caring for our patients count.
South Powys was in a unique position with its four practices already meeting on a regular basis to discuss primary care, collaborating successfully to set up a South Powys Community Resource Team and Virtual Ward. Through this work it became apparent that by working together we could learn from each other, minimise waste and develop efficient local solutions to healthcare demands in the region. Red Kite is the organisation that allows us to do this successfully, introducing identified health solutions across the locality. In the changing landscape of primary care Red Kite will ensure that sustainable, innovative, high quality healthcare will be provided to the population of South Powys for the foreseeable future.
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Getting the model right – A perspective from Red Kite Community Interest Company
We recently spent some time chatting with Sian Jones who is the Business Development Manager for Red Kite Health Solutions Community Interest Company (CIC) about the development and running one of the growing numbers of not-
Red Kite Health Solutions is a social enterprise that delivers health and wellbeing services to the South Powys population. It is a non-
The organisation consists of four GP directors who sit on the board of Red Kite. Each of the directors is a partner in one of the four practices that makes up the South Powys cluster. The 46 remaining GP partners across the cluster area in South Powys are members of the organisation. At its inception the cluster wanted to really look at how they could scale up their objectives and move things at scale and pace which is where the idea came from to set up the CIC as a delivery vehicle for health and well-
Read about the most recent Red Kite Activities in our Chairman’s Report
Red Kite Health Solutions has been registered as a Community Interest Company since 26th November 2015, with the first employee being employed on 1st June 2016. During 2022, Red Kite employed 14 members of staff directly in Powys, including a Business Development Manager, Administration Support and Pharmaceutical Professionals.
The company turnover during 2022 was, £868,474 with a surplus of £4,096.00.
During 2022, the organisation continued to support the South Powys Cluster by adapting and implementing service delivery, primarily focused on the ongoing issues caused by the COVID-